Friday, March 23, 2012

it's a good day to thank the Lord for his strength...

I've been bombarded with many cares lately. This is an uncertain world we live in. The world seems to be turned upside down. What was once valued is now portrayed as ridiculous. What was once safe and sure is altered and detrimental. Natural affection is rare. Our freedoms have been given away or stolen. Worst of all, God, who has created us and gave himself as a sacrifice so that we may have everlasting life, who has protected us and provided for us, who has dried our tears and comforted us through our worst fears, who loves us and watches over us with patience as we fail time and time again.  This God of amazing love and sacrifice. Is scorned and denied.  This is an upside down and uncertain world we live in.  As I thought about all these things the other night I gave ear to my fears and my fears began to grow.  I cried out to the Lord "Why?!"  and a still small voice inside me said "Why not?.... Don't you think I can still take care of you?"  The tears that I had been holding back started to spill, but for a different reason. I finally began to accept and understand. God is not afraid of this upside down world and I have no reason to fear either.  I am a daughter of the King. Thank you Lord for your strength, your mercy, and your goodness. 

Psalm 37


Terri said...

His timing is always perfect! I needed that. Thank you for sharing!

Carolynn Stewart said...
