Tuesday, June 4, 2013

For no particular or apparent reason...

I am picking today to go ever so slightly insane... I'm sure all you females out there understand. Some days it seems like things don't make sense. Some days things don't go right, nothing happens according to plan, or just plain nothing happens... period. I have all these plans of what can be done, what should be done. But... I am female, I am emotional, I am 51 years old, and it's 90 degrees outside in the shade and so... here I am, 1:30 in the afternoon.... in my pajamas and nothing is going right. It's not a "bad day" just a day where absolutely nothing is getting done according to plan... zero. zip. nada. I believe I'll have a cookie :)  Sanity should restore itself in approx. 2 minutes... On the bright side... I DID do my morning housework, and these cookies are REALLY good! (See June cookies: http://organizedheart.blogspot.com/p/cookies.html)


Unknown said...

I love you Mom <3 Maybe we can get something done together tomorrow!

Krby said...

Haha! Makes perfect sense to me! Enjoy it, you deserve it and have a cookie for me :)

Carolynn Stewart said...

I love you two girls! Maybe I can have a cookie for BOTH of you? ;)

Terri said...

I seem to be having those days on a regular basis ... 'cept I do get dressed!

Carolynn Stewart said...

:) Oh but my jammies are my comfy clothes! ;)